Friday, September 13, 2013

Roald Dahl Day!

Roald Dahl Day was a HUGE success! Thank you to all of the students who participated and the parents who helped out! Your snacks, help, and time were much appreciated.

Here are a few pictures of the day (Thanks, Ms. Jess!). More coming soon!

 Making a Roly-Poly Bird.
 Simon paints Mr. Twit's beard.
 Daniel and Craig do more beard painting!
 Oliver paints some BFG ears.
Andrew and Mr. U do some Roly-Poly Bird planning.
 Writing postcards, just like Roald Dahl would do from boarding school.
 The drying table.
 Revolting rhymes, anyone?
Student examples:
"There once was a woman who ate a fly. Then she fried."
"If you're bored, make up a rhyme to pass the time!"
"My head dropped into my tummy, oh what a bummy. It was when I was in bed. Then it dropped into my leg. Now there is nothing left except for a pair of feet!"
 Creating character cubes.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic guys!! I really missed not being there, but from the photos I can see that this was a great day!! I send my best wishes from New York!! I am on my way to Mexico
